Ph: 1-248-807-1974
Impacting people life in Business,
Sport, Schools and Communities
I am a minister at Mt. Zion Church in Clarkston, MI. I met Rudy Aguilar when he took the Personal Finance Class that I teach at our church, sometime between 2010 and 2012. Rudy has also attended our three year Ministry Training Program, two year Christian Counselor’s Training Program, taken multiple classes such as Life Controlling Emotions, Marriage Class, Boundaries in Relationships, Anger Resolution, Healthy Self-Worth, Ministry of the Pastor, and Ministry of the Teacher.
Since I met Rudy, he has been involved in various volunteer positions at Mt. Zion Church. I
know Rudy to be a great father, husband, and friend. We have been together at many social
occasions with a variety of Christian men, and I can truly say that Rudy is a man of excellent
character, integrity and has tremendous compassion toward others.
It is with great pleasure and honor that I recommend Rudy Aguilar as a Life Coach.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Dave Kreilach
Minister- Mt. Zion Church
Retired Elementary School Teacher.
Ph: 248 802 9979